Thursday, 27 February 2020

How To Promote Affiliate Products On YouTube


Google is still the number one search engine, and they own YouTube. That means that adding video to your affiliate marketing strategy will increase your clout with Google Search.

Even if you put the same information into an article that you put into a video, people tend to trust you more if you put it into video. The reason is that when you communicate with video, especially if you appear in the video yourself, they tend to believe that you know what you're saying. They can see your body language, hear the tone of your voice, and that helps make them trust you more

Review Videos

Review posts that have a genuine air of authority and ring of truth to them are the perfect context for placing an affiliate product link in order to earn commission.

You should only review products you are familiar with, and your reviews should be as honest as possible. Otherwise, you will start to get a reputation of being willing to promote any old rubbish, which will damage your standing as an expert in your niche.

Review videos are good if you are pressed for time and want to express your opinion without having to write a lot. However, be sure to use keywords in the title of the video and a description of the video.

Videos are also a handy promotional tool that can drive a lot of traffic if you post them on YouTube and Facebook.

Tutorial and Demonstration Posts and Videos

These are really popular because they actually show the product in action. People will even watch "unboxing videos" in which a person orders something online and films themselves opening the box when it arrives.

Tutorial and demonstration videos can be far more useful, though - especially if the item is an expensive one or a complicated one.

People love insider hints, tips and tricks for getting the most out of what they buy. Many customers also love "Quick-Start" guides that can help them start using the item just about from the moment they open the box. Videos of this nature are therefore ideal for stimulating affiliate sales.

You might also create quick-start guides, checklists and/or cheat sheets they can download if they sign up for your customer list before they go over to buy the item. These bonuses do not cost much to create, but they can really help position you as an expert in your niche.

Write a script of what you want to show in each video you create. Try to produce high-quality videos, not tacky home movies. Add interesting elements that show your personality - people do business with people they like.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. 

Article Source:
Google is still the number one search engine, and they own YouTube. That means that adding video to your affiliate marketing strategy will increase your clout with Google Search.
Even if you put the same information into an article that you put into a video, people tend to trust you more if you put it into video. The reason is that when you communicate with video, especially if you appear in the video yourself, they tend to believe that you know what you're saying. They can see your body language, hear the tone of your voice, and that helps make them trust you more
Review Videos
Review posts that have a genuine air of authority and ring of truth to them are the perfect context for placing an affiliate product link in order to earn commission.
You should only review products you are familiar with, and your reviews should be as honest as possible. Otherwise, you will start to get a reputation of being willing to promote any old rubbish, which will damage your standing as an expert in your niche.
Review videos are good if you are pressed for time and want to express your opinion without having to write a lot. However, be sure to use keywords in the title of the video and a description of the video.
Videos are also a handy promotional tool that can drive a lot of traffic if you post them on YouTube and Facebook.
Tutorial and Demonstration Posts and Videos
These are really popular because they actually show the product in action. People will even watch "unboxing videos" in which a person orders something online and films themselves opening the box when it arrives.
Tutorial and demonstration videos can be far more useful, though - especially if the item is an expensive one or a complicated one.
People love insider hints, tips and tricks for getting the most out of what they buy. Many customers also love "Quick-Start" guides that can help them start using the item just about from the moment they open the box. Videos of this nature are therefore ideal for stimulating affiliate sales.
You might also create quick-start guides, checklists and/or cheat sheets they can download if they sign up for your customer list before they go over to buy the item. These bonuses do not cost much to create, but they can really help position you as an expert in your niche.
Write a script of what you want to show in each video you create. Try to produce high-quality videos, not tacky home movies. Add interesting elements that show your personality - people do business with people they like.
Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at
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How To Gain Instagram Followers Organically (2020)

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

How To Promote Affiliate Products For Free


One of the most important aspects of modern affiliate marketing is to have your own website or blog where you produce content related to the products you wish to sell. When correctly formatted, the search engines will then send visitors to your website, for free, who are looking for the products or services that you are selling.

This tactic is called search engine optimization (SEO) and it is a free means of selling more affiliate products.

Optimizing Your Content

Content drives all search engine results. The words on a site and on a page signal to the search engine, such as Google, what it is about. When people run a search for a particular topic, like dog obedience training, Google delivers search engine results pages (SERPs) with what their formula (or algorithm) determines to be the most relevant pages.

There are a number of ways to optimize your content so it ranks highly and you get free traffic. The first is to use keywords.


Keywords are words that are typically related to your niche or topic. They are the kinds of words your prospective customers would use when searching online for the type of content and products you have to offer.

The title of your article, review or post should contain at least one keyword. The content should contain that keyword, and at least two or three others. The keywords all taken together offer what is called semantic support, helping to define what the page is all about.

Some marketers try to "stuff" keywords, using them over and over again, but Google will penalize you for this. It is best to just write naturally, as you would for a person - not just a search engine.

Keyword Your File Names

Use keywords in all your file names, such as keyword.HTML,.php,.jpg,.mp4, and so on. These other files can be found on Google and perhaps get you more than one listing on the SERPs.

Links to Your Site

Links from popular sites like social media sites can give you a small SEO boost.

Keywording Links

When you are creating the hyperlink to go over to the affiliate product page, don't just say "click here." Use keywords that provide real information about the product.

Brand Names and Product Names

Be sure to use these as keywords as well. There are a lot of other affiliates selling out there, it is true, but your optimized content can put you ahead of the competition.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience.

Article Source:

7 Platforms To Build Chatbots 2019

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

The Richest Man in Babylon

The richest man in Babylon is a timeless book about creating and controlling your finances set in the ancient city of Babylon. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to be better off financially, which should be everyone!

Here is a modern translation on the 5 laws of gold talked about in the book:

You can listen to the book in full here:


If you have read it before and want to refresh your mind and skip to a specific place in the book then they can be found at these points:

Forward:   0:30 
Chapter 1: The Man Who Desired Gold   3:03 
Chapter 2: The Richest Man in Babylon   18:44 
Chapter 3: Seven Cures For a Lean Purse   46:05 
Chapter 4: Meet the Goddess of Good Luck   1:28:50 
Chapter 5: The Five Laws of Gold   2:02:35 
Chapter 6: The Gold Lender of Babylon   2:32:02 
Chapter 7: The Walls of Babylon   3:03:32 
Chapter 8: The Camel Trader of Babylon   3:11:50 
Chapter 9: The Clay Tablets From Babylon   3:36:18 
Chapter 10: The Luckiest Man in Babylon   3:57:37 
Chapter 11: An Historical Sketch of Babylon   4:37:14

You can buy the book here

Or if you just want to get the gist of it here are a couple of other people's takes on the information on wealth creation and the 5 laws of gold that are the basis of the book: